Quote Originally Posted by DilTech View Post
The 8800GTX was definitely a special case. Price vs Performance it was on top of the world even at the $600 price tag--especially when you consider that up until the 8800GT the midrange was pretty horrid during the first year of its lifespan. IMO it was probably the best gpu of the last decade (runner up being the 9800pro 128mb). It actually beat SLi/CF at the time at stock with plenty of room to spare, and is still able to play games (albeit not maxed out any more) over 5 years later. THAT is technically a good value no matter how you look at it.

I don't see myself paying for another ultra high-end card again though. Not with these weak 30% performance gains the companies are showing us.
The 8800GTX was the best and most expensive gpu I had ever bought.

It served me extremely well, and I do see myself needing a top end gpu again. Yet I can't bring myself to buy the current GTX580 3GB or 7970 3GB at their current price to performance increases.

As such I'm looking forward to the new kepler cards to see what they bring.

As I stated before I do think they'll give us some indication of the price of the high end versions.

If they are coming out in April that's no problem, I can wait and there's no real pressing need just yet to retire my current GPU.
I'll deal wit medium setting in some games.