I got "sick" app 14 days ago. You know the deal, going both ends till you felt like you'd just gone 10 rounds with Tyson in his prime.
At first I thought it was a food thing so I played it smart, tried to recover by keeping hydrated, somne yoguret, going real easy.
For 2 days I thought I was slowly getting better then the night of the third day it started all over going downhill and the light bulb went off that it wasn't a food issue.
The next moring, July 17 I called the Dr..Short version is after hearing the story the lady in his office said "Go to the hospital...
Took me almost 4 hours to get the energy to get dressed and drive the 6 miles to the Hospital.
It was 98F outside and I walked in VERY slowly fiusing go slow but get there.
The first triarge nurse checked my blood sugar and got 522 ( app 100 is normal)
Next I'm on a EKG and 2 mins later I feel like I'm the topic of an episode of "HOUSE" TV show.
ALL the dept heads are in and here I am in no pain watching like a third party wondering what is going on.
Diabetes is funny, you can have massive heart attacks and never feel a thing.
They did tests, transferred me to the LaHey Clinic in Mass, where they did the 5 stents and got me back to close to normal.
No more smokes, no more coke, no more sugar..Damn..