I'm currently running my system with a HX1000; powering quad-SLI GTX 295's.

I'll be selling the 295's, and upgrading to three GTX 580's. I need to know whether or not the HX1000 will be able to drive this system. It does have the correct plugs etc, but will I be stressing the PSU too much?

I haven't had a hiccup yet, with the 295's, and they have been highly overclocked.

Various reviews praise the Corsair HX1000, for example:


I see that most people running a 3-way SLI 480 or 580 system are opting for very high wattage PSU's - between 1200 and 1500. While I can see the logic in this, I suspect that the HX1000 is a good performer, and might be able to run a similar configuration - which would save me more $$$ since the 580's are expensive enough.

Love to hear some feedback