okay so now i got all the WC parts for my rig, i am motivated again to get my case project going again, cause now i know where i can put the WC parts and such.

So , with that, the ideas i had involved some custom work, making some walls and vents in the case and mounts for harddrives and such..

so i needed to ask from the pro's and experienced people out there.. things i need to know about aluminum..

  1. What type of aluminum would be good to work with inside a case? are there diff gauges, i assume, and thickness et cetera?
  2. is all aluminum equal when it comes to painting? they all need to same prep work done before hand?
  3. What tools work best for cutting, bending , attaching aluminum? (i may be able to get a welder from my landlord but am thinking more rivet style, or are there other options?

All input is appreciated, i plan to take my case apart this week once my other new mobo arrives.