Quote Originally Posted by AndrewZorn View Post
So I guess now it's something like: SD880/890 (depends) or LX3 if I want to spend the money.

I didn't know the 8 series had a larger sensor. Again, totally counter-intuitive.

EDIT and other communities keep talking about the TZ5. Any opinions? It's a 10x zoom as well.
All of the canon compacts have the same sensor size. Most of them infact (at 10mp) use the exact same sensor. The differences in these units is purely in the form factor, lcd and lens.

If u want the wider angle get the 880 and be done with it. It has a larger LCD too which is nice and from ppl I've talked to that have it, they love it.

As i said before, the larger point and soot cameras are for people who want more control over their photos. with point and shoots the camera wont let you control many of the settigns (on the fly) becuase you have to go into menus to acess them. With SLR's ALL of the settings you commonly use are right at your fingertips.