Hello :] Was eagerly eating (yes, eating) so many worklogs here and got an idea about making things easier. Topics Naming convention!

What information will you get from 'Extreme Watercooling System (ASUS)' (nothing personal, just a top topic for now) and from '[CM][HAF X 942][1 Loop] Extreme Watercooling System (ASUS)'?

Many of us are interested in building our own monsta-systems and watching many worklogs for getting experience, i.e. will that fat rad fit that case etc. And we just can't get all beautiful worklogs that use one specified case by using simple search (you know, fulltext search will not give you 100% good results and when you get only nice named topics life is better ).

What I think about: [Case Manufacturer][Case Model][Number of loops] _space_ Anything else (we are in widescreen century, we have enough room for any wild symbols and names).

Maybe after getting most of topic names to one specification we can even change output of liquid worklogs section - we can have nice manufacturer logos for example instead of [Asus] or [CM] with some vB plugin (like on-the-fly transformation, because we need to save text in names of topics for proper search).

Hope all that information wasn't so boring, hope to read opinions about this idea