In most aspects Unganged is your best friend...It uses two controlers instead of one ,, Easing the load on the IMC. Thus allowing a higher NB most of the time while still using tight timings.

For Ganged ,, The better the Ram the better the result... Since Ganged is less lanes for through put it demands more from the Ram... It also will stress the IMC more so when the Demand for Multi threaded apps goes up...

If i remeber correctly ,, If benching SuperPi ,, better results can be achieved with Ganged vs unganged...

In the beginning,,
Phenom I B2's loved Ganged Mode..PhII's B3/C3 or higher seem to thrive with unganged...

What ive been seeing lately is the return of using Ganged with X6's...Better controler allows better Ganged results with decent Ram...

Dont have a X6 yet ,, when i do i will be seeing what both do..So far Ive been tweaking in Unganged with High Freqency 1200+ on DDR2 with Tight Timings .

When i used ganged i would use loose Timing with higher NB and TRFC Delay around 150-300.... Unganged id use 125-75 depending on ram..

As you can see there are several things that determin what you should use..Multi treaded gaming will benifit more with Unganged and low timing vs Ganged.. just more lanes for data. Helps with running High OC and Multi Cards Xfire.

Thats my twocents worth.

Unganged for my Best Stable OC on Unlocked X2's (32bit Vista)..
