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Thread: Concerns About My 24-7 OC

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Arrow Concerns About My 24-7 OC

    I recently began overclocking with a fellow forum mate on a different site and have done a ton of reading online with the "do's and dont's" and so forth. As of date my best bench so far can be seen here below.

    Right now for my 24-7 OC im running 3711.8MHz with a core voltage of 1.272 says CPU-Z. What I need to know is...

    1. Is that is a safe combo for the 24-7 OC?

    2. What would the best (highest) core voltage be for me to run for a 24-7 OC if the 1.272 is still well with in the safe zone?

    3. What is the max core voltage I should not exceed when pushing this CPU in benchmarking?

    4. Is the Corsair HX1000 enough power to hold this rig or should I upgrade to something bigger? (suggestions welcomed)

    Any help, feedback or comment's would be greatly appreciated..

    Useful Tidbits If Needed Not Supplied In Screen Shots:
    Vista 32bit OS
    CPU Air Cooled Using Noctua HSF
    GPU Stock Cooling
    HAF 932
    780i Mobo
    Corsair HX1000 PSU

    If anything is needed to know to get a better grasp of the situation please just ask. Sorry for asking for some what might be a simple question. Guess I rather get info up front from someone then simply reading about some other results since all CPU's are in fact different in some aspects then my own. I also posted this at the EVGA forums but needed a second opinion. Took awhile for my account to get validated here tho.


  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    No replies yet? Heh..

  3. #3
    Dave's Mentor!
    Join Date
    May 2007
    your board is not really good to clock quads
    dont go too high it will just kill your board gl
    max safe voltage for cpu would be 1.4v

    maximus IV extreme gtx580
    gigabut p67-ud7
    p67 sabertooth
    antec 1200watt
    EVGA classified 760
    920 Batch# 3849B018 4.985ghz@1.52v gtx285 ftw sli
    OCZ3RPR1866LV6GK hypers
    dfi ut p35 rampage extreme
    gigabut p35c-ds3r bios suks
    gigabut x38-d6q dead thank god
    ballistix 8500 1240mhz@2.02v



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