I plan on using 2 36gb Raptors in an IC7-G as soon at they arrive in a raid 0 set-up, and need a few questions answered. I plan on partitioning the drives in 3 sections (OS, Games, Rest), and would like some advice as to how much space I should use for them? This system is used about 95% gaming so that will be the biggest section but need to know how much I should use for the OS. For a back up drive i'm getting a WD 80gb 8mb but that is not going to be right away. When I do get it do I have to manually back everything up, or is there a way for it to do it automatically? Which is the best way to setup my new drives when I get them all? Also what steps do I take when installing? I'm going to need to transfer files over from my current 40gb will there be any problems doing that?