I've noticed a lot of people saying that the FX 53 939 are Clawhammers - may I ask where did this info came from ? it is fcloser in a architeture prespective to a FX53 940 from a 3700+ . anyway I decided to send AMD email on this issue:

Original Message Follows:

Form Message

Processor Type: Athlon 64
Escalated From: startup
Processor Model: FX-53
Knowledge Base: Processor
Full Name: Yonatan
Message Body:
Is it (fx53 for socket 939) based on a Clawhammer with
dual channel support or a Sledgehammer with non-registered support? I couldnt find this info on your website and except the 1M l2 chache and the open multi is there any other dfference between it to the 3800+?
Subject: Just a li'l question about the FX 53 939
User Type: Consumer/End User



Thank you for contacting AMD's Technical Service Center.

Both processors are based on the Sledgehammer, non-registered memory, but the FX is unlocked, and with 1 MB of L2 cache, vs locked and only half the L2 cache, this makes a huge difference.

Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please feel free to
contact me.

Customer Support Analyst

So it seems like a bit illogical that the 3800+ is a Sledge so Ive decided to send another email , but I didnt save the email so i got only the reply ... so anyway I asked in the second email what is the formal name , and got this answer:

Hello ×?×?× ×ª×?,

Thank you for contacting AMD's Technical Service Center.

Let me first start by saying that the formal name is just Athlon FX-53 939 pin, all the hammer names are just internal code names, and believe me when I tell you this, this is confusing even for us, since there are so many. My previous response means that both processor the Athlon FX-53 939 and the Athlon 64 3800+, they both have the Sledgehammer core, but only the FX is unlocked and has 1 MB or L2 cache. The Athlon 64 3800+ 939, runs at the same speed, but it is locked and it has only 512 K of L2 cache.

Customer Support Analyst

Anyway - where did the info about this chip beeing a CH came from ?

Notice that this guy name is Jesus ... well I wanted to thank him but since I'm not chrisitan it sounded pretty wierd to say thanks Jesus for the replay... so I just sayed thank you =D