Not sure where this would fit best,so here it is. If a mod thinks it would be better somewhere else, fine

Some of you might think "why should I pay for this?" Please think.....there are 27000 users on HWB and we expect the staff to have everything A-1 all the time. That is a lot to ask, especially when most of us give them nothing in return. If the community is willing to chip in some money, they become accountable to US, not the companies who bankroll the bigger parts of HWB funding.

The COMMUNITY leads this sport and hobby, I do believe that a few $ is not too much to ask to get something as important as clear rules updated for 2012. Rules are what make overclocking as fair as possible for everyone.

I will not type thousands of words about this. Of course I will not be angry at people who do not donate. We all make our own decisions and I respect that always. We all know money gets things done faster than good intentions alone.