or rather blizzard focus too much on Real Money Auction House. the entire game is based around this pseudo frea to play model where developer gets a cut in the in game item transaction (15% iirc), but still charges u $59.99 to install it.

lets see:
1. loot sucks, loot is just terrible. u will find little to nothing as far as legendary with 4 to 6 stats rare items. even if u do, the item has to have good stats for its level. otherwise its not gonna sell for crap on the Auction House.

2. crafting sucks just as much if not more. level 60 items cost 50k gold just to craft, not counting the material involve. so u r looking at 70k just to craft an item with completely RANDOM stats. yes its very likely u will spend millions to get an armor anywhere near what u want. not to mention u need to find or buy blacksmith plans on AH, if u want to craft 6+ stats items.

3. they just nerfed monk, wizard, and DH with May 22 patch. the few classes that had success in inferno mode, without ridiculously godly gear. i dont see them buffing any class as that would make farming in inferno too easy, which = less demand/higher supply for auction house. if anything i can see them nerfing more classes.

4. inferno mode is core of RMAH. people will realize grinding hours for 1million gold just to buy that chest armor with +resist all, vit, int, str ... takes way too long. gold comes hard. especially as u reach lvl 55 ~ 60. the cheapest weapon, armor upgrade for my lvl 54 Barb is usually around 100k to 200k. thats just for 1 armor upgrades, and thats not even that much of an upgrade as far as item stats goes. so u can either: 1. grind for gold/items, or 2. quit the game, or 3. pay up.

all in all i had fun with this game while it lasted. i will prolly play other characters until inferno, and wait for price to come down as more and more farmers will be out there farming items, gold for money. i'd say couple weeks after RMAH is out, and after the initial price gouge. many items in the in-game-gold AH will drop in price.

/end rant