Figured we could use a thread here for those that are interested in having avatars made.

Please note that most of us do not have the software needed to animate a single picture (Such as an old, single-frame avatar). Don't be afraid to ask, but don't get your hopes too high, chances are that we cannot do what you have envisioned.

Here's how it works:
  • Request an avatar. Give as much detail as possible.
  • Watch, and wait, for your avatar to be posted.
  • When your avatar is finished, it will be posted for you.
  • Please credit the artist who made your avatar in your signature. Something along the lines of
    "Avatar by [artist's name]".
  • If you are unsatisfied with your avatar, let us know. Chances are, we'd be happy to rework it for you!
  • Do NOT EVER, EVER EVER EVER take someone elses avatar. Do not copy someone's avatar, do not steal their avatar, do not post someone else's avatar in this thread for someone else.
  • Please, no chatting, that just wastes space and makes us have to edit the thread unnecessarily.
  • Be patient. Remember, there are limited folks here to work on one for you.

If your interested in learning how to make your own, please post in a seperate thread, not here, so we can keep this thread clean. It will be cleaned up on at least a slightly regular basis.