Well....finally I got a chance to upgrade my phone after about 2 years of putting it off. This phone is simply amazing! I have been using a 3G HTC Hero phone for about the last 2.5yrs.....and that thing was like watching paint dry , trying to use it!

I Have NEVER been able to download an app on my hero.....the phone was broke from day one! Hard to explain , but when i bought the thing , the firmware/hardware of some sort had an issue that even sprint mobile couldn't fix. Even last night when I got my new Galaxy S2.....I couldn't get any info transferred over.......sucks! Both shops asked me why I didn't return it (within warranty time ), which was my fault , but the local shop was giving me a run around story , it went out of business....and I got stuck with this phone.

OK....now , I still have a lot to learn on this new phone ( it does so much I barely know where to start). Any pointers , apps , games , or anything else would be much appreciated! I want to take full advantage of this sucker. Also have to figure out how to hook it up to my computer. So if you guys know the software I'm supposed to get ( are some better than others?) can you point me in the right direction?

I can't believe I'm this excited over a new phone.....but I haven't ever had a chance to play around with this new android stuff until now....pretty dang neat!