After a lot of iterations and taking into account what our reviewers have told us, we have finally made the nanofluid available for purchase on our website - We are working on the website too, so don't hammer us too badly on its design. We have coozies left over from CES that we will include in the order.

We are also waiting for a few more reviews to come out and will link them on our website. The reviews we have had done are linked already. We have a few reviews with people cooling multiple things (not just a CPU) that are turning out quite nicely and should be up there shortly. The nanofluid really shows its stuff when you start cooling multiple things.

We also worked on the chemical make-up as to inhibit air from getting entrained in the fluid - which is really nice. We are going to put a video of it in action on the website. As mentioned before, the nanofluid is a biocide on its own, so there is no need to add anything for that.

We are also looking at the thermal aspects of dead zones. A dead zone is where the fluid constantly rotates in a fixed manner, like in a corner. This would come into play with the nanofluid because of the particles. So, you would have a small area of rotating particles. We think that this would be better than just DI water spinning in a corner because of the thermal aspects. We are going to do some CFD and see what happens. I have noticed some settling in these corners of my square reservoir after I have drained my system, but the circular reservoirs don't have this issue.

I emailed mlwood37 to see if we could trade some nanofluid for some UV dye to see how that works. I, personally, don't see any problem with the dye, but we will still test it to make sure. I am waiting to hear back from him.

We are getting some bench tests made. Basically it will be a copper block with some heaters that will let us control the heat input to the block. Then, we will have a Tj thermocouple and some in the fluid of the WC block as well as the radiator. This will let us test two of the same rigs against each other
rather quickly - one with nanofluid and one without. The plan is to have it all webcammed too.

I want to thank Skinnee, HESmelaugh and LittleOwl for taking the time to run some tests and getting us involved with this website. Stop by if you are at CES in Jan..

Just an update..

rock on