I am moving to a bigger house. and i want to change my 24inch dell monitor which just got another dead pixel -_- with a HDTV i would prolly think in the sizes 40-50 but i dont know what to get i tried doing this once and only got a res of 1024x768 with a samsung 720p plasma so i dont want to make that mistake this time.

i really like the natural tones of plasmas and the price aswell

mostly i want my tv to have 1080p.. a resoultion of 1920x1080 or higher
and a comb filter for sure.

i dont know what tv will be best to use as a monitor and its going to most likely be on a desk like about 1.5 meters away from me max. i want to watch movies on it and play games like MW2 and World of Warcraft. i want something that will be a good choice for my computing needs and dont know what tv to pick so please xtreme systems.. help a brotha out.

PS. my budget is about 0-1500.