
Hoping someone has an idea of whats going on here.
I am trying to help out a customer and they cannot get beyond 950Mhz stable. Tried 4 diff kits all same issues.

I don't have much more info to go on, maybe its the divider only setting 950Mhz with his cpu, not sure.

CPU is phenom 9950

Timings tried

CAS# Latency (Tcl) - 5
RAS# to CAS# Delay (TRCD) - 5
RA# Precharge Time (Trp) - 5
Min RAS# Active Time (Tras) - 15

Advanced Timings

ROW Cycle Time (Trc) - 31T(or 26 when max)
Row Refresh Cycle Time (Trfc) - 375ns
ROW to ROW Delay (Trrd) - 4CLK
Write Recovery Time - 6CLK
Write to Read Delay (Twtr) - 3CLK
Read to Write Delay (Trwt) - 6CLK
1T/2T Memory Timing - 2T
Async Latnecy Value - Auto

Memory Voltage 2.0-2.1

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

