On one of my very first eBay transactions I got scammed. I bought a copy of Mario Kart Double Dash for the Gamecube (it was a fairly new game at the time) and a couple of other games. The total was like $80. I sent the money through and expected to see the games within a week or so, especially considering the very good feedback rating this guy had. A week comes and goes and I hear nothing. So I get on eBay to contact this guy and it turns out he's no longer a registered user. Right after I bought the games, he got about 2 pages full of negative feedback for items to recieved. So at this point I realized that I had been scammed and immediately filed a claim with PayPal. 30 days later, PayPal comes back and tells me that the claim has been decided in my favor, but they only managed to retrieve $8 from this guy's account. Needless to say, I'm pissed. The guy just took off with about 30 peoples' money and was never caught. I still to this day don't know what happened to that guy...I just hope he got what he had coming. Scammers and thieves are the worst.