AMD on its YouTube channel shared a video where their Technical Marketing Manager, Robert Hallock, explains some of the new, fine-tuned technologies behind the new Ryzen 2000 series processors. We've already found in our very own reviews that AMD has done a great job with extracting maximum performance from their chips, almost invalidating the need for fine-tuning overclock - at least, when it comes to the processors' frequency (remember that AMD's Zen always improves the most when it comes to tweaking the system RAM speeds and timings).

XFR2 and Precision Boost 2 are the sort of technologies that almost make the point of an unlocked processor moot for the average user, but here's to AMD for keeping that option open - there's always LN2. And even if there isn't, there's something to be gained from going from a small, anemic, airflow-restricted case to an actual monstrosity packed with water cooling systems. AMD has made sure of that. You can check the AMD video after the break.