a heads up for anyone that wants awesome case lighting, for about 50 bucks, that will kick the bajeezus out of any cold cathodes/led strips/neons

FLUX RBG leds with a Bigclive controller


The led strips here pictured are IKEA Dioder's but you can buy a pack of 50 FLUX RGB LED's for around 20 bucks, some wire and heatshrink, a few resistors (determined by forward voltage). cheaper than 100 bucks for 4 Dioder strips, plus 3 times as many LED's :P

BIGCLIVE RBG controller

Comes in multiple options

Basic RBG controller with common cathode, about 20 bucks

RGB controller 2 with two push button controllers, over 30fx + speeds/options, common cathode about 22 bucks

RBG Knob controller, one push button/rotate knob in one, same specs as previous controller, about 25 bucks

http://bigclive.com for the RBG controller

any big electronics store for the LEDS, not sure what the US has, but in AUS we have Jaycar electronics
