Awesome idea and a neat rig.

A few crits / suggestions about your Electronics Prototyping:
*Crocodile Clips sucks and is very buggy, have a look for "Livewire".
*When using stripboard, plan the layout before hand, you could get that circuit on half the stripboard that you used.
*I noticed that when you marked out for track-cutting under the ICs that you marked them in a straight line, try offsetting every other cut in order to make the board stronger.
*Track cutting before soldering makes it easier, but requires forward-planning.
*On your PCB design, there's alot of wasted space which means it will cost more to make and will take up more space in your rig.
*Some of the PCB tracks are longer than they need to be, even on the current layout. Reduce these to lower interference.
*Play with the widths of the tracks, you seem to have only used two widths - I'm sure some of the tracks could be thinner.

Good luck. Sorry for my spelling.