Microsoft has a new 'drawing bot' that can create pictures, pixel by pixel, of objects based upon user description. According to a blog post by Microsoft Research, the new bot has "produced a nearly three-fold boost in image quality compared to the previous state-of-the-art technique for text-to-image generation," using an industry standard test.

Above you can see a picture of an ordinary looking bird. The image was built up by Microsoft's latest AI from a brief textual description of a yellow bird with black wings and a short beak resting upon a branch. As pictured, there may or may not be such a bird in existence on earth. That might be a rather humdrum example as the researchers say the AI can paint, from scratch, "everything from ordinary pastoral scenes, such as grazing livestock, to the absurd, such as a floating double-decker bus". The AI does in effect use its own imagination when filling in the gaps in a description of a scene.