As many of you know there is a widespread fear of Galvanic corrosion when using ALU parts in a LCS.

I have seen many of the same pics all of you have, but i feel like there is a lack of understanding as to what causes Galvanic corrosion and how it affects you the LCS enthusiasts.

So feel free to post your thoughts, evidence and discuss but please no flaming, bashing or otherwise talking down another person just because you dont agree with them.... these kinds of posts will be removed.

from my experience I as well as the rest of you do not like to use ALU in my loop simply because it has been bashed into my skull on many enthusiasts forums that it is some kind of evil and the corrosion trolls will get in my systems and eat my parts....

now after testing for quite some time with properly maintained loops I have yet to ever see any signs of galvanic corrosion....

Now I must ask if you keep on top of your loop and drain/refill and refresh the liquid supply do you need to worry?

Seems like most cases I have seen of galvanic corrosion were cases where it appeared like simple maintenance was never performed and the liquid was never really changed out, or even worse distilled water was used with no sort of corrosion inhibitor.

Please feel free to discuss intelligently below.