Your welcome, believe it or not I kind of rediscovered the Elder Scrolls all over again I mean I played Oblivion for 10 minutes 4 yrs ago end of story. Then Skyrim came out...again end of story...I'm hooked.

I was a bit apprehensive at first about posting my list because the listed posts by other and yourself was (to me) very modest. Really I thought everyone was doing at least 50-60 mods. My first plan since I do have hardware was to make Skyrim's environment the best I could possibly get it to be you know stunning views and all. Then everything would come together later.

All you see in my active list are all ongoing tests. I am close to weeding out a lot of mods and restarting the game all over again this time no more testing this or that it will be just pure immersive game play. Hell I'm still only level 14.

My INI file only has to adjust the "i size W= (for me 5760) for tri-screen and W= 1920 for single screen. Great point SabreWulf, because Dynavision has in-game adjustments via a spell I can adjust for no effects during running or turn only that part off so the Enhanced Distance Terrain can still be active with no compatibility issue between the two mods.
You know I'll do that, 1920x1200 coming soon.
