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Thread: Fr3aky Linux Guide V0.1

  1. #1
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Fr3aky Linux Guide V0.2

    Alright, I was going to write a Linux Guide ages ago, but I just haven't had the time.
    I will add stuff to it from time to time.
    I didn't use Linux very often in the past. It became my daily used OS when I found out that 64bit Linux is quite fast for Boinc and I have been using it every day from that day on.
    There are some nice features I am sure not everybody is aware of, so I will try to summarize a few commands that might be handy for everyday use.

    First some basic stuff:

    Linux is a case sensitice OS, which means Boinc.txt and boinc.txt are 2 different files, so watch out.
    Most of you will have Ubuntu or Fedora installed with all their GUIs and stuff. But you can do a lot more stuff with the terminal.
    To open one you have to right click on the desktop or press the "start" button in the task bar and select "Run command" or something similar.
    It depends on what distro you are using, so there a zillion different names for it. It might also be called shell,console,konsole or terminal. Remember commands are also case sensitive.
    Now you should have opened up a dos kinda prompt you can do all kinda stuff with.

    Here are some basic commands (commands are in " ", usage is without " "):
    To change directories use "cd".
    Example: You are in /root and want to enter the BOINC folder, you have to type "cd BOINC"
    If you are in a different folder and want to enter the BOINC folder, you have to write the complete path. Ex: "cd /root/BOINC"
    To move up one directory, use "cd .."
    If you want to know what path you are in right now, type in "pwd". It displays the full path you are in.
    "ls" lists you all files that are in the folder you are in.
    "cp" file destination copies a file to the destination folder.
    "mkdir" creates a directory
    "mv" does the same as cp, but it doesnt copy, it moves.
    "rm" Removes files and directories. To use rm without a hassle you may want to use "rm -rf". This way you won't be prompted to confirm the removal of the file. You can not use rm to remove directories which are not empty unless you use an option telling rm to do otherwise, the -rf option works well for this. Use "rm -rf" carefully!
    "rmdir" removes empty directories
    "top" that is your task manager. Displays cpu and memory usage and processes with their IDs.
    The feature no.3 in my eyes is "man". "man" displays the man page for a paticular application or command. You can even use "man man", which displays you the usage of man.
    If you know how a command is called, but dont now how it is used, use man.
    Use "shift+page up/down" to scroll up/down.
    The second best linux feature is auto-completion. Simply use "tab" key to use it Ex: You are in /root and want to enter the BOINC folder. If there is no other folder called B*, you just have to type in "cd B" and press tab. Give it a try, its great

    Pressing "control + c" sends the kill signal to the running process and ends it immediately. That works for every app or command. If a application is stuck, you have to type in "top" in a console to see its process ID. Exit "top" by pressing "crt+c" or "q" and type in "kill ProcessID" to kill the stuck process.

    Of course you can run any app from the terminal. Ex: "firefox" will open Firefox if it has been installed. Notice that you can only run one app per terminal session. If you start them with a "&" behind it, you can open multiple apps. Ex: "firefox&".
    njkid was a little bit confused about the following: After you start a command and its still running, i.e the boinc client, then you can type in whatever you want without any effect. You see if something is running when the computer name and the folder you are in disappears.

    Unzipping files:
    You might need to unzip files while you are in textmode only. Most packages you can install are tar,gzip or bzip2 files.

    untar/gzipping a file. The following will decompress .tar.gz and .tgz files. cd into the dir with the file/s then type "tar zxvf yourfile.tar.gz" or "tar zxvf yourfile.tgz".

    un-tar a .tar: cd into the dir with the file/s then type "tar xvf yourfile.tar".

    un-gzip a fileType: "gzip -d filename.gz".

    un-bzip2 a fileType: "bzip2 -d filename.bz2".

    tar plus gzip a dir/multiple files: cd into the dir of the files you want to tar(warning, this will put ALL files of the current dir you're in into a tar file), type "tar cvf newTarFile.tar * ". Now to gzip the file, type "gzip -9 newTarFile.tar".

    Compiling and installing software:

    Linux software often comes as source code only, so you have to compile it.
    First you have to unzip the file to a directory (see above how to do that).
    After that you have to cd into the folder. Now type in "./configure" and after that "make".
    It creates the make files depending on what hardware you are running. To finally install the software you have to be logged in as root. If you are not logged in as root, use "su" to root (you have to enter your root password). Now a "make install" will install the software.

    To install src.rpm you have to be root and in the same folder again. Tpye "rpm --rebuild --target i686" Now watch for where the actual rpm was placed (look at last few lines on the screen or scroll up a tiny bit). cd into the dir with the new rpm or cp it to where you are at ("cp /path/to/rpm ."). Now do "rpm -Uvh file.rpm".

    Installing a regular RPMcd into the dir that the rpm you want to install is in. su to root (type "su" press enter, enter in your root password, press enter). Type "rpm -Uvh filename.rpm" and press enter.

    You can also install stuff without having to download it first manually, which is feature no.1 in my eyes.
    You can let it search for the latest software for your OS and let it install automaitally.
    Depending on what distro you are using, the commands have different names.
    For Gentoo its "emerge -av whatever".
    Fedora users use "yum install whatever" and "yum update" to update all installed packages.
    Debian based distros use "apt-get install whatever"
    Thats the best feature ever. If you need several libs for the app to run, they are also being downloaded and installed.

    Now some more advanced stuff:

    Most of you are using Fedora/Ubuntu which starts X right after login. Gentoo boots in text-only mode first and lets you start whatever you want automatically.
    To get into text only mode you can type in "init 3" in a terminal if you are using Fedora. Now it should shut down X and run text-only mode.
    To boot into text-only mode every time, you have to enter grub (if you are using grub as bootmanager) Press the "a"-key while grub is starting. You will see a line somewhat like the following:

    kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=LABEL=/ acpi=on rhgb quiet

    Add the number of your runlevel to the end of that line, and then press Enter. For example, to boot into text-only mode, the line would look like:

    kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=LABEL=/ acpi=on rhgb quiet 3

    You will then boot into the new runlevel this time only.
    Now you can login with you username and pw with only the prompt running.
    To start X (your graphical frontend) again, all you should have to do is enter "startx". If that doesn't work, try "startkde", "startxfce4" or "init 5". If that still doesn't do it. Edit Grub again and remove the 3.

    There are more ways to get into text-mode only. njkid32 found a nice page, that explains it really well.

    While you are in text-only mode (or also if you are running X), you can press "crt+alt+Fkeys" to change "tabs". Its like opening several terminals under X. You can also press "crt+alt+F1" while running X to get into a text-only terminal. To go back to X you have to press "crt+alt+F7, F8 or F9", depends on how X is set up. You can also switch between tabs in text-only mode by pressing "alt+arrowkeyleft" and "alt+arrowkeyright".

    How to run Boinc in text-only mode:

    cd into the BOINC folder.
    "./boinc" runs the text-only mode boinc client. I have no experience running it that way yet, but you can control it remotely. Will add how to do that as soon as I figured out how.

    If you want to run the benchmarks, type in "./boinc -run_cpu_benchmarks".
    If you want to start boinc with the highest priority for the benchmark, you have to run "nice -n -20 ./boinc -run_cpu_benchmarks".
    After the benchmark is done, boinc resumes work. For more options use "./boinc -help"

    How to manage Boinc without the manager in text-only mode:

    You have to use "./boinc_cmd" to send commands to the running boinc client.
    There are quite a lot of command you can use. "./boinc_cmd --help" shows all of them.
    There are only a few that need to be used, so I wont explain everything in detail.

    "./boinc_cmd --get_state" shows the state of all WUs, application version and all kind of misc information, but unfortunately you wont be able to scroll up far enough to see the state of the running WUs.
    To see everything you have to use "./boinc_cmd --get_state | less".
    You can scroll up/down using the arrow keys and quit to the prompt pressing "q" or "ctrl+c".

    "./boinc_cmd --show_results" only shows the WUs and its state.
    active_task_state:1 means its running, 0 if its not running.

    "./boinc_cmd --get_messages seqno" shows the messages. You can use "./boinc_cmd --get_messages seqno | less" again if you cant scroll up to the beginning of the messages.

    "./boinc_cmd --run_benchmarks" runs the benchmark.

    Those are the most important commands. To set run-mode and network mode use "./boinc_cmd --set_run_mode x" and "./boinc_cmd --set_network_mode x" where x is either always, auto or never.

    Remember that you can always start X and use the boinc manager to manage boinc. It will still be running, even if you close the manager.

    Thats everything I can think of at the moment. I will constantly add more stuff to it and make it more readable. Notice this is V0.2.
    Last edited by Fr3ak; 08-06-2006 at 07:25 AM.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  2. #2
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I might need this one as well.
    Notice that I am still formatting it. Just wanted to post it before it gets lost :P
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  3. #3
    namu daishi henjo kongo
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Somewhere in Germany

    Great, I think I need to try that...
    Quote Originally Posted by NEW MODEL ARMY - the attack - 1984
    Now the talking's over, plans are laid and the hour is set
    Glances round the table, eyes all shining, dark and bright
    We meet again at daybreak for the day that will be ours
    We're tomorrow's history. So just check your weapons, say your prayers.

  4. #4
    xtreme energy
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Europe, Latvia
    If you are running Fr3ak's version it might complain about openssl libs missing. If you don't have openssl you will have to install it although most distros have it always installed and you might need just symbolic link:

    For example,

    # ls /lib/libssl*

    # ln -s /lib/ /lib/
    # ln -s /lib/ /lib/

  5. #5
    Xtreme Member
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    Aug 2003
    New Jersey
    I need how to get chipset drivers working though. please.

  6. #6
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    What chipset, what distro, are you naked?
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  7. #7
    Xtreme Member
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    Aug 2003
    New Jersey
    nforce 4 sli
    fedora 5 64-bit
    naked? as in when it asked me what to install? I installed nothing with it. Just the least amount possible, I guess.
    Last edited by eddy; 07-25-2006 at 04:41 PM.

  8. #8
    I am Xtreme
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Talking Another useful basic command and other Stuff

    Some useful tidbits from my over time (I'm assuming that you can google stuff you don't get reading below )

    If you can figure it out on the FIRST install, this will save lots of work later:
    CREATE A PARTITION CALLED 'xtras' @ the end of the space you are using for linux. Make it about 10Gig.
    Format it to ext-3 or reiser... (ONCE)
    Put the BOINC dir and any configs you get working once they are done (/etc/X11/xorg.conf, /etc/fstab, etc).

    YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO LOSE OR REINSTALL BOINC AGAIN! Even if you have to reinstall linux, just leave this partition alone and add it back into the fstab each time.
    Unless you screw up this partition, should stay forever

    pwd = where am i (Print Working Directory)
    So if you forget where you are, just 'pwd' to see

    And a misc note: an attraction for me over windows is that the GUI is 'optional'
    look this stuff up since it varies for each distro, but like Fr3ak said, if you can boot up in text mode (init / run level = 3) and then you can do 'startx' and fiddle w/ xwindows from there. Makes setup w/ video cards easier if you don't have to reboot after each change also.

    I login on terminal 1, run a shell script that goes to the boinc dir and starts it up, then start another terminal (ALT-F2 here) and then do startx to get a gui if I want one.
    Last edited by mad mikee; 07-25-2006 at 05:23 PM.

  9. #9
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Great Fr3ak

    Something that's missing and am looking for is a way to have Boinc run automatically whenever we start Ubuntu ( like a service for Windows )
    2x Harpers 5492, 8GB DDR2-800 FBDIMM, SuperMicro X7DWA-N, Raptors in Raid0, 1TB Storage, Dual Watercooling loop, U2UFO, Enermax 1000W
    Some nice LianLi case, i7 965 Extreme, FoxConn BloodRage, 3x2GB OCZ Blade 2000, Zotac GTX260, Enermax 700W

  10. #10
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by eddy
    nforce 4 sli
    fedora 5 64-bit
    naked? as in when it asked me what to install? I installed nothing with it. Just the least amount possible, I guess.
    TBH you dont need chipset drivers.. I set up multiple NF4 rigs and I didnt have to install chipset drivers.
    Only the nvidia sound drivers for onboard sound.
    Why do you need to install them?
    NICs should be detected automatically.

    Something that's missing and am looking for is a way to have Boinc run automatically whenever we start Ubuntu ( like a service for Windows )
    I will see what I can do. Are you running X or text-mode?

    Edit: A mate of me, Darkllord, wrote a autostart script for gentoo, which works fine. It should also work with otehr distros, so download it and tell me whats wrong if it doesnt work.

    Will add how to control Boinc using boinc_cmd in text-mode later.
    Last edited by Fr3ak; 07-25-2006 at 11:30 PM.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  11. #11
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr3ak
    I will see what I can do. Are you running X or text-mode?

    Edit: A mate of me, Darkllord, wrote a autostart script for gentoo, which works fine. It should also work with otehr distros, so download it and tell me whats wrong if it doesnt work.

    Will add how to control Boinc using boinc_cmd in text-mode later.
    I'm running X, beint a complete noob in Linux...I went to the link you specify, where stuff seems written in German so i don't dig zitch
    Besides, what can i do with the c source? Should i compile it? How?

    2x Harpers 5492, 8GB DDR2-800 FBDIMM, SuperMicro X7DWA-N, Raptors in Raid0, 1TB Storage, Dual Watercooling loop, U2UFO, Enermax 1000W
    Some nice LianLi case, i7 965 Extreme, FoxConn BloodRage, 3x2GB OCZ Blade 2000, Zotac GTX260, Enermax 700W

  12. #12
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Download the boinc autostarter, extract it and read the INSTALL file.
    If you have questions feel free to ask. It works like a charm on my side.
    The only thing I have trouble with, that boinc just stops working and I have to restart it. That happens using the manager too, so it might be heat related.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  13. #13
    Xtreme Cruncher
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Yeah i have this problem almost on a daily basis...I think it has to do with getting stucked with some wu's...Sometimes it freezes, sometimes it crashes the rig, and sometimes it just stops...
    2x Harpers 5492, 8GB DDR2-800 FBDIMM, SuperMicro X7DWA-N, Raptors in Raid0, 1TB Storage, Dual Watercooling loop, U2UFO, Enermax 1000W
    Some nice LianLi case, i7 965 Extreme, FoxConn BloodRage, 3x2GB OCZ Blade 2000, Zotac GTX260, Enermax 700W

  14. #14
    XS in Sin City
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    Dec 2004
    Las Vegas
    What are the various methods of removing GRUB from a HD?

    Users may want to go back to M$ after their linux soiree, and if they knew that it would be easy to return then maybe more would try.

  15. #15
    version 2.0
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    Feb 2005
    a bit

    Are there good overclocking/benchmarking tools available for Linux?
    I have some Linux experience, I used RedHat linux years ago ( i think version 5 or 6 at the time).
    No cpu-Z (or similar ) , no temps/fan monitoring , no benchmarks made me go back to Windows...

  16. #16
    Hiding from the cops and people I ripped off
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    In Bed
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaco
    a bit

    Are there good overclocking/benchmarking tools available for Linux?
    I have some Linux experience, I used RedHat linux years ago ( i think version 5 or 6 at the time).
    No cpu-Z (or similar ) , no temps/fan monitoring , no benchmarks made me go back to Windows...
    Jaco, I wrote this cuz I went crazy trying to monitor temps in Fedora..LOL

    Hehe the only benchmark we need here is Rosetta

  17. #17
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
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    Jan 2005
    To display the cpu frequency, just open a terminal and enter "cat /proc/cpuinfo".
    Temp monitoring works with almost all boards too.
    What is still missing is something like clockgen, but we are working on it

    To get rid of grub is really easy. The easiest way to remove it, is to insert a win2k setup cd, load the setup and exit again without doing anything. Grub is gone after that
    Or install any Windows OS. that also creates a new bootloader.
    I bet there are a zillion other ways to get rid of it too, but I havent used any other method. Usually I format and install XP again, which removes everything, but I will have a look into it.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  18. #18
    Registered User
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    Apr 2006
    I don't know if this still works, it's been kind of long since I last wanted to do something like this but try

    fdisk /mbr

    under any Win OS (in a command shell).
    That should remove any grub/lilo/whatever
    Athlon64 3200+, 1 GB Ram, Ati RadeOn 9800Pro
    Dualboot: 64bit Gentoo Linux, WinXP
    iBook 12" G4, 768 MB Ram, Ati Mobility RadeOn 9200
    Dualboot: Mac OSX, Yellow Dog Linux

  19. #19
    xtreme energy
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Europe, Latvia
    There is prime95 for linux but rosetta is better

  20. #20
    Xtreme Member
    Join Date
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    North Idaho
    Thanks for the guide! Should be helpfull soon, as I am looking at putting together a couple crunchers for a small farm. Planning to run linux on them, so I have one (probably very stupid) question to add...

    Is there any distro that is better/faster/easier for running Rosetta, or are they all the same?

    The last experiance I had with linux was about the same as Jaco's... RH 5 or 6... and about all I did was get it installed and tinker a little.

  21. #21
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
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    Jan 2005
    The fastetst distro is Gentoo, because everything is compiled and you can chose what you would like to install and what not. But there is no GUI install. Its all text-based and not easy at all if you never used Linux before. So you would better start with Ubuntu or Fedora. ATI Linux drivers seem to be really baad, thats why most people use Fedora. THe inbuild ATI drivers seem to work fine.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  22. #22
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Added how to control Boinc in text-only mode.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  23. #23
    Ker-Pow !
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Any chance of a guide to installing and using wine. I cant ever get my head round it. I have installed with Yum on fedora, then I look at it scratch my head and walk away. I would love to be able to play call of duty etc on linux and then it could be my main OS. Speciallly seeing as I have managed to get a newsreader that deals with nzbs and nerolinux is available as well.

  24. #24
    OC Jedi (on stand-by)
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    Jan 2005
    Of course I can.
    Unfortunately my Linux rig is down for quite a while now and I havent had the time to fix it so far. Will try to do it over the weekend, so I can tell you how to use wine.
    I havent used it for quite some time, so I cant tell if it works with latest games.
    "Perfection is a state you should always try to attain, yet one you can never reach." - me =)

  25. #25
    Ker-Pow !
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Fantastic, thanks alot.

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