Conversation Between Charles Wirth and Tom Holck

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Welcome back!

    Looking forward to seeing your results.
  2. Hi old friend. long time
    I would like you to know, I am still alive, not 100 %, but OK.
    I am retired and work only 12 hours/week at the local Museum! -description and database catalog of ancient findings.

    In the spring Nosfer persuade me to help with the OCworkshop in Tivoli. It was fun to help the young guys, some was not born when I burned my first mobo.
    I took one of the Cascades and made a few records -some of the young lion could not believe this 50 year old man was fast, just tweaking a new beta bios by intuition
    I enjoyed and decided to be helpful to OCTDK.
    A few days ago I registered at hwbot and found out that my old records still is gold standard.
  3. My health don't allow full time OC, but I will make someting from time to time if the HW is there.
    It could be fun to bring back some of the records Pi and pifast "back" to Denmark.
    I use the danish flag on Hwbot, I hope it's OK with you. When some results show I plan
    to share with you here on Xtreme. Results, pictures, despair and joy. Just like in the old dayes.
    So if you have a competitive i5.670 you can spare, please let me know. It would be fun to
    shake these new LN2 kids.
    I am back
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