Conversation Between matt220 and tadzik1231

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Got it. Sometimes when I disassemble my loop I help citric acid with small ramrod equiped with cotton swab on the end. It prevent me changing the tubing every quter of a year. Insted of nano fluid I have to try "aqua purificata", cos it's pure water shoulden't leave any deposits on tubing wall.
  2. Thanks for the help! I actually meant that most people's tygon r3603 plasticizes causing it to get very foggy (not loosing flexibility). For that reason many people seem to be completely replacing their tubing every few months to make sure it is crystal clear, but it seems as if a week of running the loop with diluted citric acid works wonders for your tubing staying clear!
  3. Ask me as many questions as you can but I'm not sure if I would be able to answer them all Yes I use tygon r3603 9,5/15,9 mm and if I correctly understand you ask my if the tubing lose plasticity with citric acid ? No there is not any harm and the r360 is still most flexible tubing I've ever had - jellyfish is the best descryption for that thing.
  4. Oh that makes sense that it would keep the tubes clean, but tygon r3603 plasticizes, do you use tygon? last question, promise
  5. No, I fill my loop with mixture of distilled water and citric acid and run it for week or two then fill it again with coolant. I work for a company which produce bathroom equipment (taps, drains), we recommend agents based on citric acid for removing lime deposits. It's safe and works well.
  6. You mix citric acid in your fluid to clean the tubes? Hm Ive never heard of that
  7. Sorry for late answer but because of my job I had to get away for a couple of days. I use citric acid - 10% solution, you can get in grocery.
  8. Hey tadzik! I love your cosmos and I was wondering what tubing you use (Im guessing tygon r3603, but not sure) and how you keep it so crystal clear all the time?
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