Conversation Between Glow9 and nosboost300

3 Visitor Messages

  1. i do more of my posting at

    its more of a casual, real life people haha get some jokes in kind of computer forum.. and i can actually find myself in top 5 overclocks over here.. hahaha
  2. haha, i'm more of a lurker than a poster here!!! some of the things said here are just overwhelmingly knowledgable that i don't know what to say!!!!

    but its nice to see more than just I who thinks the 4870x2 and gtx280 comparison is not fair... people try to compare the regular 4870 to a gtx280... then also compare a 4870x2 to it!? that makes no sense.. i can't wait for the gtx gx2 kind of card to come out.. and shut everyone up... i enjoy both the hd 4 series and gtx 2 series... but these arguements are just getting old!
  3. LOL you are my new best friend on here hahaha
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