Conversation Between Zytek_Fan and RAW-Raptor22

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. We've owned 2 Dodge Rams with the Cummins and they've been great trucks
  2. The Cummins is a good motor, but the truck its installed in is garbage, the ford is much better all around.
  3. It will definitely either be a Dodge Ram with a Cummins or a Ford Super Duty with the 7.3 Powerstroke.
    Although the GMC Duramax is tempting...
  4. Awesome. I am going to get a job this summer, and hopefully should be able to afford something decent after a while. My Mustang cant do everything....
  5. Hah, no, I was just looking at them.

    I might get a truck in a year or two though
  6. Oh yeah, Check out forum. I have 1800+ posts on there, and Fightnirshnvrdi (Ryan) owns it. I dont know if you remember him from when he used to hang around here. Its a really cool place, and pretty chill. Lots of freedom over there, and truck discussion.
  7. Did you get one?
  8. Yeah.

    They could really use more torque because that just kills the MPG.
  9. I have seen awesome trucks like that... however I think they just burn too much gas (like sub 10MPG), and do not have the power/torque of the PowerStroke. The diesels are better....
  10. What do you think about a Ford F250 with a Triton V10?
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