Conversation Between M.Beier and Hyperhorn

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I need sleep tonight, as exam is tomorrow
    But, by any chance, do you know where in Germany I can get 3 cheap table stand things for monitors? No functions needed, ofcause pivot would be nice, but not worth an extra 20 Euro, I found some, but at 32.5 Euro a piece.
    No need for fancy brand, I just want to mount 3x 24" vertically if I can, for a nice large desk
  2. Ok, no problem. I'm not sure if I can help, but I'll be online @ MSN later this evening.

  3. Hey man, I need your help - please do go on msn sometime soon. thx
  4. Thanks buddy :-)
  5. Hey,

    you can use any pic you want, but if possible include a link to the article as source. Thx!

  6. Ok, I added you.
  7. Hey, can you please hit me up on MSN when you have a little time? :-)
  8. Thank you for the add! If I need somebody to torture my memory I will contact you, okay?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8