Conversation Between PcCI2iminal and Javadog

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Good afternoon again sir, I certainly appreciate that you are prob very busy, I know I am between my 3 kids and running my IT company. I wondered if you got a chance to see my message to you regarding the tweeking and clocking of this new rig I have built as a showpiece for my clients.

    Again, I thank you profusely in advance for any help and guidance you can offer. I appreciate that you probably get a lot of requests for help, and I wish I had more to offer you than my sincere thanks at this time, but maybe there is some way I would be able to repay you for taking up a bit of your time.

    thanks again sir. Hope all is well,

    javadog aka Andrew
    Computer Management Solutions

    PS: link below is a final pic of the rig after I got all the wiring and everything tied up. One of my best if not my BEST builds to date (18 years+ now)

    thanks again.
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