Conversation Between illidan and dualbrain

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. system is 98% finished, some little mods to be made
  2. niiiice cat
    Your system turned out really good as well Very nice
  3. illidan, btw. how are your photography skills? Please link me to something where I can take a look at it
  4. hahahaha... what to hide

    or rainbow color!
  5. transparent would be a dream
  6. when you say like that...
    never thought about heatshrink = connector

    copper color would be nice
  7. heatshrink customization means ... tons of base material. It would be too much for 20x lifetimes.
    I say: black-connector = black heashrink, white conmnector = white heatshrink
    You always have a transition, doesn't matter if sleeve, shrink or shrink,connector
  8. would be great that u have heatshrink for every color
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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