Conversation Between BreeSpree and Movieman

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. I waved my magic wand and fixed all!
  2. i am clueless unless your machine is haunted!
  3. lolol
  4. It will sell itself.
    It's quiet,cool rfunning, stable as anything I've ever seen and if you blow out the fans and defrag it every 4 months you won't even know it's there.,
  5. When you have an extra $65.00 tucked away give me a yell and I'll get you a board and the two special heatsinks..
  6. No, this doesn't use FBDimms, just regular DDR2-400 ECC Regestered memory
    It also is cheap to run..117w draw at 100% load..
    Your typical Quad draws close to 260W
  7. That board was designed to take 2 'Sossaman" cpu's..They are essentially the same thing as Yonah's but with SMP instructions on them so they will work in a dual socket motherboard.
    That motherboard orginally sold for $430.00 but thru me I can buy them for $20.00 each.
    The heatsinks are $10.00 each, the 2x1 gig of DDR2-400 ECC REG is app $65.00 from NewEgg and the cpu's can be found here and there on ebay..
  8. No, I doubt it..But it's not a hard build, no more than any other and I think I have some pics of mine in that thread.
  9. it's a good read but when you go to buy the HS and motherboard, contact me instead, I can save you money there.
  10. In wamps there's a stuck thread by me on this with all instructions.
    I think it's called "After hearing about our friend Youngpro"
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