Conversation Between buccaneer and charles_h

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Cheers buccaneer!

    I hope your luggage arrives soon! I'm always here M8 and will do my best to answer any questions you have.
  2. Thank Charles,
    Happy hollidays for you and your family too!!
    BTW I also reicieved some mail from you after making some questions at your site regarding the murdermod products. Thanks for the answers! one loaded on my lap top here and the other on the home pc yust before leaving home to travel to Brazill. after a trip trough hell I arived at my destination and without luguage and my lap top loader is in there so will come back with some more questions once I got the luguages.
    Anyway; look forward to know all about comming up stuff next year!
    Regards from Brazill: RR (alias buccaneer)
  3. Thank you Sir, I really appreciate your comment.

    Have a great Christmas!
  4. HI,
    Love your work! You are a true inspiration!!
    My wife is jealous
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4