Conversation Between Donnie27 and marten_larsson

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Well I don't believe I've been writing in that thread? Will look into it however.
  2. I'm talking about the thread that flippin waffles posted about the 500+ page report that the EU released. The problem was just as I stated. I linked them to Neelie's Kroes explanations about why AMD needed subsidies and why she allowed the largest in EU history for them. Her owned words. Instead of counter arguments, I was flamed! I was banned for making the other guys mad enough to flame me LOL! Hey, no biggie! I get along well with Movieman, but Cooper and others have jumped me even when I turned the other cheek! I'll not only stay out of the news section if I weren't banned from there but Intel, AMD and Video cards as well. Again, I was sent packing because others flamed me.
  3. Don't really know what you were responding to. Haven't been writing anything about AMD subsidies and such. And I don't really believe the mods are AMD fanboys. I do believe you sometimes stir up just a tad too much in the news section and I understand how that could have led to you being banned from posting there (as Zucker2K and Shintai I believe) but at the same time I think you have had some pretty convincing arguments and been reasonable too...
  4. Dewd you'd never get anywhere with those notorious AMD Fanboys. Example, I linked to direct Subsidies AMD was getting from the Germans and the EU. The very one trying to say you don't understand doesn't get it himself. Then there are dummies like LOE and Low Run who posts the complaint without even reading it. How these folks would try to say HP, Dell and everyone else is innocent caused the biggest laugh. Oh and to answer flippin waffles' question? Where are the Intel folks-fans, I seem to be banned from the news section. Please keep in mind that 3 out of 4 moderators are AMD Fans themselves!
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