View Full Version : .ini Skin Coding... Yay!

02-28-2006, 10:14 AM
Umm Hmm I mean not yay... If any of you who may read this and use Xfire you may have noticed that Xfire uses .ini for it's skinning. I am in the middle of learning to code for it, in other words I am making my own skin, though it's nothing completely personal no-one would want it... It's an xbox 360 skin, :S, filling a request for someone one day since I was wanting to learn how to do this crap and also being very bored.. I picked it up and started running with it.... first came the Design in photoshop.. creating almost every aspect of what you need to have.... that was the easy part.... then coming up to the coding section of the deal after months of putting it off (busy with school and website) . I picked up on it rather quickly I mean Half the time you are Telling crap where its gonna be the other half you are declaring some sort of variable and defining it and such....

long winded explanation there, but yeah, anyone else happen to have delved into the world of doing any .ini coding? just a bit curious...