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View Full Version : Could r134a compressor use R12 ?

12-07-2005, 05:28 AM
follow the topic

could i use ?

ps. thanks :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Gray Mole
12-07-2005, 05:50 AM
What it comes down to, though this isn't strictly true, but virtually any compressor can be used with virtually any gas.

Most of the time the only real difference between the compressor for R12 and the compressor for R134a is the oil they use in them.

Any compressor can work with any oil, it's just a lubricant, but it's the gas and oil that have to match.

So...if you want to use R12 or R22 or R-Anything that takes mineral oil with a compressor that's designed for R134a or R404 or R-Anything that takes POE oil, you have to drain, flush, and replace the oil with the right oil for the gas you'll be using.

Either that, or use enough R290(propane) to carry the oil and then you can use whatever gas/oil you want. You just have to make sure the oil is carried by something or it'll gather up and clog up the system.

Obviously a 12v vapo compressor that's not very powerful isn't going to work well with a high pressure gas like 404 or 507 easily, but for the most part, you just need to change the oil to one that's compatible with the gas you'll be using.

So yes, since R12 and R134a are both quite low on the pressure scale for refrigerants, 99% of the time it's fine, you just need to change the oil, or use a 'carrier gas' like R290 in small amounts.


12-07-2005, 08:34 AM
yes and it could also run ethylene;)
shot of propane is good