View Full Version : Which HAL do you use?

09-18-2005, 05:08 AM
Hello people,

Just wondering which HAL(hardware application layer) you are using.
To find out go control panel->system->device manager->look under computer.

Examples are: Standard PC, ACPI multiprocessor, ACPI uniprocessor, ACPI, MPS multiprocessor, MPS uniprocessor etc.

What do you use and how does it effect your system performance between different types of hardware tests.

I will start off by my brief finding:
Max stable OC ACPI uniprocessor: 2.74(max windows is around 2.8)
Max stable OC ACPI: 2.816.
These are with same voltages/dividers etc just different HTT.

My downside is performance my have decreased but i assume i have poor windows install.