View Full Version : Tips and advice wanted for watercooling my system

08-01-2005, 02:05 PM

Ive been brainstorming and planning ALOT about watercooling my current and previous system, it just never got that far... :/

but i really wanne do it now... ive been irritated too :banana::banana::banana::banana:in long allready with all that damn noise and high temps...

thats right... not only low temps matter to me, but also low noise is VERY important for me...


my sig is kinda outdated... im planning to watercool the following system:
DFI NF4 Ultra-D
AMD Venice 3200+
GF6600GT (might be upgraded someday ;))
2x 250GB Samsung SATA300 in RAID0
2x 120GB Samsung SATA300 in RAID1

and that all in a CoolerMaster Stacker Case with 2 HD-bays, a dvd-writer, a dvd-rom and a floppy drive


My objective is to have a silent system which is OC'ed to the max reasonable speed...

With silent i mean i want it to be really low noise... allthough i do want it to remain realistic... fe: i have an OCZ powersupply, which has 2 80mm fans which are pretty silent, but still make noise... i also have 4 (silent?) HDs allready which make noise too... this means that my system can never be more silent these components... this means that for my system there might be no difference between runnin a 120mm fan @ 5V and runnin it @ 7V in noise... so bein realistic i should prefer runnin the fan @ 7V instead of 5V, even though theoreticly this should make more noise...
also im smart enough to see the hidden traps of going passive for everything... passive requires airflow, so if i make everything passive, i surely have to keep my cm stacker fans @ 12V to cool down all passive heatsinks... but if i avoid too much passive, i might be able to run ALL my fans (also the case fans) at 7V for example (which could result in less noise then having everything passive and the case fans still @ 12v)

With OC'ed to the max reasonable speed i mean that it shouldnt be OC'ed till the LAST possible mhz... i am not a benchmark dewd, or a World Record CPU-Z screenshot hunter... i want a 101% :banana::banana::banana::banana:IN STABLE system that can run prime, memtest, pifast or whatever i throw at it as long as i want and when i want (also with those HOT summerdays)... so if that means runnin a stable 2700Mhz@1.5V instead of allmost stable 2850@1.7V then i will do that...

i hope this long explenation of my objective is clear enough, so no one is gonna start advising me Delta 120mm fans, or one of those UBER strong waterpumps ;)


1) Case and 4 HDs:

My CM Stacker case has 1 outtake 120mm 1800rpm fan in the back at the height of the CPU
It also has 2 intake 120mm 1800rpm fans in the front (part of the 2 HD-bays i have of it) they are located below the dvdrom and dvdwriter which are in the top of my stacker... the floppy drive is between those 2 HD-bays...
there also is a 80mm fan in top of the case... this fan is the loudest of all, so ill prolly not run it at all or @ 7V
these case fans should normally be enough to cool down my 4 HDs and keep the case temp at a reasonable level...
i will also try running all these fans @ 7V (or perhaps 9V if that aint to difficult)
if the noise drop justifies the drop in cooling performance ill keep em at this lower voltage, else i wont...

2) DFI NF4 Chipset:

first i wanted to watercool this chip, but, especially here, lots of people are against this cause it kills the flow of the waterloop too much... so i started gettin more and more intrested in those zalman passive chipset heatsinks... but after reading this thread:
i noticed the zalman heatsink is too small to efficiently cool a heavely overclocked NF4 system...
so now i want to mod my own chipset heatsink out of an old cpu heatsink and cool it passive with that...

3) DFI NF4 PWMIC / Memory:

I noticed during the numerous hours of testing and overclocking with my winchester that it really did matter quite alot for me personally to have ALOT of airflow over the PWMIC area... with the default case fans i described above i coulnt get my system higher then 2400-2460mhz, but with a VERY loud and powerfull 120mm fan pointed directly at PWMIC i could get till 2600mhz (these speeds were just quick tests, no 101% stable tests)
so im also thinking of placing an extra (120mm low rpm?) fan directly at PWMIC (since with watercooling there wont be a stock heatsink on my A64 blowing air over PWMIC)

4) AMD Venice 3200+ and GF6600GT:

these 2 i wanted to watercool! and about this im still very confused... this is because most advice on this subject is specificly for silence or specificly for performance... and these two often are completely the opposite... the problem is that i want the best of both!! :D i want a good performing AND silent system... this gives some HUGE dillemas: i could get a HUGE radiator (360 size) which can handle the heat allmost passive.. but then ill also need a more powerfull pump cause that radiator restricts the flow more... i could also get a lil smaller radiator (240 size) with ALOT FPI, which restricts the water less, but then ill need more powerfull fans to cool it down...
also the restrictiveness for the waterblocks cause huge dillemas: i can find HUGE amounts of information about the best performing waterblocks in this forum, IF i would use a very powerfull pump... but i wouldnt know what block is the best if my pump aint that powerfull and also has a videocard in its loop + a big radiator...
all these dillemas cause me to keep on doubting forever about what watercooling stuff i should get (this has been goin on since 1999 allready now i guess ;))

another point to keep in mind is that i dont have a rich dad and/or unlimited funds... i allways investigate VERY hard if the extra price is worth it... this doesnt mean i would never buy high end stuff, if it is really worth it, i dont mind paying extra (fe: im very glad about my "expensive" logitech desktop mx and cm stacker case)
i also live in Europe, so ALOT of US stuff aint available here or is REALLY :banana::banana::banana::banana:IN expensive over here!!

a last important point is that i want to have everything INSIDE my CM Stacker case


radiator fans:

i am pretty convinced of using Papst 4412FGL fans... papst because they are the only brand i trust 101%... and that specific type because they run 1700rpm @ 12V and thus are quiet... other brands might have 1700rpm 120mm for a lil cheaper, but i doubt that they remain silent after a few years of runnin... i might reduce the voltage to 7V or 9V later if the noise drop justifies the drop in cooling performance...
the only thing that seems bad to this fans is that they are only 25mm thick, but i couldnt find comparable 38mm fans...
offcourse u may still try to convince me of other fans, if u know any better (= silent, reliable, no less performance)


First i was COMPLETELY convinced that i would buy an Eheim 1048... I know these pumps are REALLY reliable and silent, which i both appreciate VERY much
sidenote 1: i once had a few fish in an aquarium and an el-cheapo aquarium pump in my room, and i still have nightmares about the UNSTOPPABLE noise coming from that thing
sidenote 2: if anyone even tries advising an unreliable Hydor pump to me, i certainly hope u get delusered ;) a pump is about the most important thing in watercooling loop that shouldnt brake down, so i DONT wanne take any risques what so ever with my pump... (even if 90% of the complaints about hydor reliability are false, i still wouldnt wanne try it)
but most xtremesystem people seem to dislike the eheim pump for its weak performance, so i started re-evaluting other possibilities again as well...
I found one pump that might suit me too: the Swiftech MCP350 (perhaps modded for more flow?)
but im not at all convinced of this yet... so can people with both Eheim 1048 and swiftech MCP350 plz tell me how they compare to eachother in terms of noise and performance and ESPECIALLY reliability
i would also like to know, of people who know what they are taling about, how the "extra-flow-mod" might influence its reliability...
the MCP350 costs 95 euro over here, the eheim 1048 55 euro... actually i think 95 euro is too much for a pump (i allready think those 55 euro is really expensive, but its worth it cause i know it will be reliable) but if its really that much better then i might still consider it ;)
and if someone else knows another pump that is VERY silent and reliable, and "better" then the above mentioned, then plz let me know


Ive been doubting about what radiator to get for ages now... I know a heatercore has GREAT performance, and doesnt restrict the waterflow very much, but i also know a heatercore needs ALOT of airflow to cool good... and since im planning to use 25mm thick 1700rpm 120mm fans, this heatercore might not be the best solution (i pm'ed weapon about this allready, but he seems quite busy atm (for a few weeks allready), and i didnt receive an answer yet)
So after looking some more i found out a black ice pro II (= a thin radiator) might be more intresting then a heatercore for this type of fans? but still im not at all convinced that this thin radiator really would give me better performance...

CPU waterblock:

this one all depends on what flow/pressure i have left in the total loop i guess... so it depends on what pump i use, what radiator, what GPU waterblock, what hosing, etc... since i dont have alot experience with watercooling, its impossible for me to make a guess to what waterblock i should need
i only know that i want NO alu what so ever in my loop :p
the problem is that most shops / manufactures dont mention at all if it contains anything else then copper, so i dunno what blocks are ok
plz enlighten me on this subject ;)

GPU waterblock:

same here... dont know much... dont want alu... and it prolly all depends on the flow/pressure i got left i my loop


damn what a huge post from me ;)

i hope i didnt confuse u as much as i confuse myself with all my question :D
and i hope some of u can help me out a lil with all my problems...

all remarks / questions are welcome

THX ALOT dewds!

08-01-2005, 02:54 PM
wewh ......

long post :) lol yea right outdated....
my sig is kinda outdated... im planning to watercool the following system:
DFI NF4 Ultra-D
AMD Venice 3200+
GF6600GT (might be upgraded someday )
2x 250GB Samsung SATA300 in RAID0
2x 120GB Samsung SATA300 in RAID1

now lets see if i can help out a bit

here is my system for comparison... 2 P$3.0 OC 3.6 prescotts, and 2 NBchipsets p4c800's all DD waterblocks, 1 tdx, 1 rbx, 2 chipsets. all of this running through 30' of 1/2" Tygon tubing, with a BIX3 Eheim 1250 pump and dual hight drive bay res with 6 TT 120mm 78cfm @ 2k rpms and 12v fans in push\pull with heating putty around them for a sleeve. 2 74gb Raptor in RAID0.
now i am seeing just a bit over 3C from ambiant so i think it works pretty damn good to me

i am typing on top of the case as we speak, with the side open, i can just hear the HD spin up when they are seeking or reading something. it dosent bother me.... but its your call on what you think....


1) can you put a small 80 mm fan directly in front of your HD ? i have on in front of mine and it keeps them nice and cool to the touch....

2) with my 1250 eheim, and 4 waterblocks, i dont think my flow is bad, its keeping them all cool to within a few C of ambient

3) dont know what a PWMIC is so i cant give any advice other then a small copper HS on it with a fan blowing

4 like i said, in # 2.....

damn what a huge post from me

i hope i didnt confuse u as much as i confuse myself with all my question
and i hope some of u can help me out a lil with all my problems...

heck, its a long reply from me, i hope i did not confuse you as much as i was confused by you confusing yourself being confused.......

wait, now im confused... lol

hope my answers help, and i hope my answers are correct and i dont get a bunch of quotes from otheres where i was probably wrong....


08-01-2005, 10:17 PM
1)whatever float your boat, but I would get a fan controller to control most of your fans.

2) If you can't tolerate the DFI chipset fan noise @ 7300rpm, I would suggest a Vantec Chipset Copper cooler CCB-A1C. It fits right there without any modification. Go to system cooler section (http://www.vantecusa.com/product-cooling.html#)

3) Depending of where you would locate your radiator in your case, probably your rad fans could cool it pretty well. Check my pix down this post. Mine currently @35C with all most fans ~5V (lowest setting on the fan controller). Ambiant temp atm is around 19-21C.

4) Don't know what is available to you in Europe. :/ But at the moment I'm cooling a 3200+ @2750Mhz with 1.425V applied to it and a MSI 6600GT with the 2 S.Denki fans at lowest speed for silence with a 2-199 heatercore (similar to weapon's core, slightly bigger I think). I dropped my usual OC, voltage and fans speed only to be able to take a good screenshot for you :p:
CPU idle: 28C load:37-38C GPU: 36C
Here's what I'm running:
Pump: C-systems CSP-MAG 12 Volt Pump, small and silent (http://www.dangerdenstore.com/product.php?productid=178&cat=0&page=1)
CPU waterblock: Danger Den Copper TDX Block for Athlon64 (http://www.dangerdenstore.com/product.php?productid=17&cat=21&page=1)
GPU waterblock: Danger Den Acetal MAZE4 GPU (http://www.dangerdenstore.com/product.php?productid=150&cat=0&page=1)
Radiator: 2-199 Heatercore (really similar to the one sold by DD, probably the same) (http://www.dangerdenstore.com/product.php?productid=48&cat=14&page=1)
Tubing: ~5-6 feets of Primoflex 1/2" Inside Diameter

No reservoir, Im using a T-Line with a Danger Den Fillport ;)

Custom configure your own Danger Den water cooling kit!
Selected options:

CPU Water Block: Danger Den TDX AMD64
Video Card Water Block: *NEW* Acetal MAZE4 GPU (except AIW and 6800)
Fitting Size: 1/2 OD Fitting for 1/2 ID Tubing
Radiator: Heater Core II
Pumps: !NEW! Danger Den 12V CSP-MAG Pump with 1/2 OD Fittings
Tubing: 7 Feet of UV Blue 1/2" only
Danger Den Fillport: Black Anodized Fillport
= $204.39 USD

Have fun and good luck, time to reboot to burn my CPU @1.7V @3Ghz :fact:

08-02-2005, 05:20 AM

thx 4 ur answer

perhaps outdated isnt the right word ;)
i just meant i bought some new stuff (HDs, venice cpu) which werent in my sig yet

i find it kinda strange that u can only hear your HD with ur configuration with 6x 2000rpm fans, a powerfull pump, etc... are my 1800rpm coolermaster fans so loud then compared to yours (cause i can hear them, not that they are really loud, but i do can clearly hear them)
also those nightmares of that pump noise in my child years come back when thinking of big pump like eheim 1250... is my image of the noise that pumps make wrong perhaps? (i remember a very silent, but irritating noise that just goes through everything... if it was really silent i could here it in other rooms in the house)
perhaps pumps changed by now, or perhaps my el-cheapo aquarium pump was is an exception...
but how silent is the eheim 1250 compared to the eheim 1048

about ur answers:

u are answering the "WHAT COOLS WHAT?" points i mentioned... those are things i allready, more or less, figured out... not that suggestions about those arent welcome though...
but my actual questions are in "WHAT I HAD IN MIND?"
sorry if that wasnt very clear...

1) i have bought a coolermaster stacker case SPECIFICLY for cooling my HDs... its a case with HD-bays that have a 120mm 1800rpm fan in front of the HDs, so i think there is no use in placing an extra 80mm in front of the HDs :)
2) like i said above, i have my doubts about the noise of the eheim 1250... also i wonder if heavy pumps like this can be so silent, if eheim would still be the best choice? (even the heavy eheims still seem pretty weak in head power, no?)
3) PWMIC is a chip on the DFI NF4 mobo that regulates something i forgot allready... but its not only that chip that becomes hot i think, its the whole area around it...
4) look @ 2 ;)

still thx alot for taking away some confusion on some points, and adding some confusion on other points ;)

JfRsQ :

1) i was certainly thinking of this, will have some questions about this later... first i wanted to find out which radiator / pump / blocks i should use
2) i dont see that iceberg thing as a solution at all, im sorry... it seems exactly the same or worse then the default dfi fan... i have also read alot of reports of the fan improving nothing in temps and still making some noise... there are only 2 options for the chipset for me:
* let it be like it is
* put something fanless on it
i kinda hate small fans... so replacing a small fan with a small fan = :nono:
3) i wanted to place my radiator in the bottom of my stacker case with the fans blowing the air down, outside the case (through that hole in the bottom)... THX ALOT for testing those lower speeds out for me!! very intresting... do u have any idea at what rpm those fans run @ 5V? is it around 1000rpm or more something like 2000rpm?
a difference of 35°C - 20°C is 15°C... that seems pretty much right? but if those fans are only runnin around 1000rpm now, then it would still be a nice temp!
4) thx again for lowering ur OC for me... could u plz also post the temps and results ur getting when u dont drop ur OC for me? also an estimated rpm of the fans would be welcome for that ;)

seems like an intresting pump, but i cant find it in my country... :( i read the dangerden webshop can deliver internationally, but that taxes could be added... has anyone any idea how much taxes and shipping costs it would be for delivering a full watercooling setup from US to EU?
also: does anyone know how this CSP MAG 12 compares to an eheim 1048 in performance and noise?

the rest of the components u mention seem pretty intresting, wasnt planning on using a reservoir either...

thx again for ur effort and ur reply

08-02-2005, 09:16 AM
about #2, chipset fan... Up to you, but I do have one of this Vantec tho it's not installed at the moment, I removed it from my sold NF7-S a few weeks ago but I'm telling you it will go str8 on this board as soon as I will have a chance. Many users reported better temp (?10C) with it and AS5 since it's all copper and the fan doesN't have high RPM. Less noise, better temp, fit right there.

Danger Den have plenty of distributors in Europe. I'm sure there is one in your country, but you didn't mention where. THE CSP-MAG pump should be available at mostly any of them since it's distributed by Danger Den too. It's a 12V DC pump btw, and the small Eheim is either 110V/220V AC. The MAG is a silent pump. In fact , you won't know it's running unless you are sticking your ear on it.

Sanyo Denki Sans Ace 120mmx38mm specs:
103 CFM
39 DB at max RPM
2600 RPM

My fan controller LCD is fubar, so I don't have any accurate way to tell you how fast they are turning, but at the low setting on it (5.01V), I'm estimating them to about 1000-1250RPM max. The first screenshot was with fans @5V. The last one is with fans at ~2400 rpm (11V, stupid fan controller is losing 1.25V :( ) , higher OC and higher Vcore. Anyway, with the same settings, there is not a huge difference in temp, maybe 2-3C . I can't neither tell you a 100% sure ambiant air temp since the 2 temp sensors are displaying (before) on the fan controller :mad:

Attachment ss is while running Prime95 and SuperPi... CPU temp never passed 40C today :p: With most fans @5V on controller (hdd rear fan, 2 denki on rad, and the small 80mm in the side panel, temp went up to 42C :fact:

PS: PWMIC is the area which are heatsinked on your NF4 mobo. They are the chips used to regulate power supply through the board. Using the 5V jumper for memory make it run hotter than the 3.3V position. oh BTW, I'm using the 5V jumper to get 3.3V for my ram :D

PS2: I would consider having the rad at the bottom pulling air thru it from the outside to the inside the case instead. Cooler air outside than your warmed system temp. The 2 x 120mm fan would also help to cool your videocard memory as well. Is your stacker windowed or is it using the default mesh sidepanel?

08-03-2005, 07:25 AM
k kewl

thx 4 the info man

very intresting to see that the temp only got up 2°C when fans go from 1250rpm to 2400rpm!! and that all with a VERY nice OC...

I live in Belgium, but very close to the Netherlands, so usually i buy hardware in NL cause they have more and are cheaper (BE sux for hardware!)
i dont think there is a distributor for danger den in BE, and if there is, its prolly WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to expensive
there is exactly 1 distributer in NL ( http://www.xcsystems.nl/ ), but he doesnt sell the CSP MAG 12... :(
i dont really mind that much having a 220V pump, offcourse i dont mind having a 12V pump either ;)

i dont have a windowed case, just the one with the "grill" ;)

i did consider letting the fans pull fresh air in the case, but there is one HUGE problem:

atm the pc is standing on a VERY dusty old carpet, soon it wont, but i dunno for how long that would be...

and installing a huge dustfilter would block air too much i think to still have an advantage from sucking air in, instead of blowing air out...
it would also force me to clean that filter ALOT :/

i thought blowing the air out could still be intresting cause of the following:
hot air rises, so the bit heat coming of the watercooled cpu and gpu will rise anyway and be blown out by that 120mm outtake in the back of my stacker
also, my stacker is very open case, air can go come in or out allmost anywhere, so i was hoping that with watercooling on gpu and cpu, and the casefans, the case temp wouldnt be so much higher then the ambiant air temp...

or am i mistaking myself?

08-03-2005, 02:17 PM
CSP-Mag Possibilities:

Direct from www.c-systems.ca (www.c-systems.ca/page1.htm)
Amount: $49.99 USD
Shipping & Handling: $6.99 USD
Total Amount: $56.98 USD


Ordering online from a e-tailer in UK like www.over-clock.co.uk or somewhere where they won't overcharge for shipping. I guess it could work well with your fan pulling through your radiator outside of your case since you have the meshed side, air can enter there if there's not enough inside.

08-04-2005, 03:41 PM
www.over-clock.co.uk is out of stock for the csp-mag

also uk seems to have high transportation costs to the mainland (28 euro)

doesnt anyone know a good DE shop that ships to BE and has an english site? (i dont understand that german stuff)

08-04-2005, 04:12 PM
For your low noise & low air side resistence rad I'd strongly suggest a close look at the new low noise designed 120mm X 2 rad from Swiftech.

A second very good low noise design is from Thermochill, the PA160 which makes use of just one low noise fan.

Both of these rads can be fitted into a Stacker I think, though you'll need to lose some of the lower drive bays. And both these rads can handle about any currant CPU/GPU provided no TECs are used.

08-06-2005, 06:02 AM
thx craig

i certainly want a 120x2 rad at least, so no single fan solution...

that swiftech seems cool indeed, only i cant find it anywhere in any shop in the entire world... so im afraid it will take at least 6 months before it actually is available over here :(

08-07-2005, 08:18 AM

i just tried on of those other webshops in UK in maxx webshop list

this is the config i had in mind:

Product Quantity Price Amount Euro Dollar
Danger Den Fill Port (Black) 1/2" 10.99 10,99 15,8256 19,465488
T Piece 1/2" 1.69 1,69 2,4336 2,993328
1/2 TDX Athlon64 Lucite Top 39.67 39,67 57,1248 70,263504
1/2" Maze4 GPU Low Profile Acetal Top 35.99 35,99 51,8256 63,745488
Tygon 1/2" ID Hose (per ft) 2.69 18,83 27,1152 33,351696
Hose Clamps (15mm - 17.8mm) 1.99 1,99 2,8656 3,524688
CSP MAG 12volt Pump 34.60 34,60 49,824 61,28352
ThermoChill 120.2 48.99 48,99 70,5456 86,771088
ThermoChill PS120.2 Shroud 8.99 8,99 12,9456 15,923088
Zerox Super Coolant 12ml 1.99 1,99 2,8656 3,524688
120mm Papst Fan 15.99 47,97 69,0768 84,964464
Tweakmonster Ram Sinks (4 pack) 9.99 9,99 14,3856 17,694288

All prices are in UK Pounds Sterling Subtotal 261,69 376,8336 463,505328
Delivery 26,17 37,6848 46,352304

TOTAL 287,86 414,5184 509,857632

thats 414 euro or 510 dollars!!

thats about 114 euro too much for me :(
i planned a 300 euro budget on my watercooling...

why o why does everything have to be so :banana::banana::banana::banana:ing expensive in EU???

08-10-2005, 03:39 AM
120mm Papst Fan 15.99 47,97 69,0768 84,964464

85 USD :confused:

08-11-2005, 05:00 AM
85 USD :confused:

that are 3 papst fans (quantity aint shown)
2 for the radiator and 1 for pwmic