View Full Version : 1kOhm for vmem but what for GPU?

11-23-2002, 04:57 AM
Im having a MSI Ti 4600 that doesn't oc to good, so im thinking about a v-modd

Adding a 1kOhm resistor to the vmem would rise the voltage from 2.80v to 2.95 sumthang, right???

But what resi would be good for GPU???

If i gotten it right, the higher resi the lower voltage increase, right?

And if im using normal resistors, not pots, i wont have to ground them?

11-24-2002, 05:14 AM
800ohm --> mem

1k --> gpu

11-29-2002, 02:50 AM
is this realy true, cause i've seen 5k for the gpu, like here for example:
