View Full Version : How to edit identification string in x800 vga bios? need help

12-31-2004, 06:44 AM
Hi to everybody,
I would like to know if is possible to edit the identification strng in x800 vga bios.
I would like to see in the control panel "GIORGIOPRIMO X800XT" instead just "x800xt".
There is a way to do it?


12-31-2004, 10:48 AM
0x0000: 0x55 0xAA
0x0002: db bios size in 512-byte pages
0x0003: jmp ...init...
0x0018: offset PCIR
0x001E: 'IBM'
0x0030: " 761295520"
0x0048: offset ATi_header
0x0050: date/time

0x0074/70: dw 0x1002 - VendorID (ATi) ... 0x174B PC PARTNER ?
0x0076/72: dw - SubProdID

0x0080: title

0x0000: 'PCIR'
0x0004: dw VendorID = 0x1002 (ATi)
0x0006: dw ProductID

0x0000: db header version

0x000A: offset 'PMI' ?
0x000C: offset Type2 script1
0x000E: offset CRC_zone
0x0010: offset original file name
0x0012: offset Title
0x0014: offset id/name/title2

0x001C: dw 0x1002 - VendorID ... 0x174B PC PARTNER ?
0x001E: dw - SubProductID
0x0020: dw - ProductID

0x0030: offset Clock_zone
0x0032: offset TV_zone
0x003A: '$TVS' - dynamic TV standard support
0x0046: offset Type1 script1
0x004E: offset Type2 script2
0x0054: offset Type1 script2

0x0000: db 0x0A / 0x08 - version?
0x0001: db 0x46 / 0x32 - clock zone length
0x0002: db 03, 03 / 02 - ?
0x0004: dw offset ?
0x0006: dw offset ?
0x0008: dw M-CLK
0x000A: dw X-CLK
0x000E: dw reference
0x0010: dw ref. div ?
0x0012: dw min clock ?
0x0016: dw max clock ?

0x0000: '$TV'
0x0007: db TV init type
0x0009: bit: 01 - CRT on; 02 - TV on;
0x000A: db/bit: Run time supported TV standards
0x000B: db/bit: Init time supported TV standards

0x0000: crc1
0x0008: checksum1
0x0020: crc2
0x0028: checksum2


12-31-2004, 10:48 AM
Just edit the driver name string... lol :slap:

12-31-2004, 06:13 PM
nice...but wich program needed to see the lines that you show....( I'm completely ignorant about bios program...)