View Full Version : Color Code Plz?

09-17-2004, 11:53 AM
what's the color code in this background where my sig is at?

09-17-2004, 12:00 PM
coz.. me can't find it. help plz

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<div>Join Date: Dec 2002</div>
<div>Location: my location??... hmm..... that's a good question... hummmm.... well hmm... mmm..... ummmmm.... .. i forgot..... LOL where am i. I don't know. but i do know it somewhere on earth..... not in the blue sea though. lol.. ahh sh#t ha..ha...ha.....</div>

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<strong>Color Code Plz?</strong>
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<div>what's the color code in this background where my sig is at?</div>
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__________________<br />
<font color="red"><i><b><font size="1">sig</font></i></b></font><br />
<font size="1"><font color="silver">phase-change cooling | deep freezer | 110 litres liquid@ -30C<br />
xp1700@ 2,858mhz+<br />
Geforce3 ti200 = 14,105 - 2nd place<br />
tbred &amp; r9800pro = 23+k<br />
barton &amp; r9800pro = 23.8k<br />
<b><font color="red">pi</font><font color="blue">Fast</font>V41 - 48.61 sec. ; <font color="blue">super</font><font color="red">Pi</font> - 34 sec.</font><br />
</b></font> <img src="http://portfolio.iu.edu/skrska/xtreme/Logo_Sig_Master_Ani.gif" border="0" alt="" />
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09-17-2004, 12:02 PM
ah!! found it. :p: