View Full Version : Well its about time...

09-14-2004, 10:21 AM
You guys upgraded to Vb3, its just a shame it took some idiot hacking you to make the jump.

To all the people who dont like it, when my home forum extremeoverclocking.com changed from old style to new I hated it too, it was all alien and just looked really sucky for a while. However, after a while you realize that everything looks much cleaner and it has the massive advantage of the easy subscription feature that you dont need to get a fricken email for every time you get a reply. Its just easssieerrr to find your way around and get the info you want.

Anyways i'll shut up now I just wanted to say congrats for the smooth transition and this is going to make a great forum even better. :banana4: :toast: :bananal:

09-14-2004, 03:41 PM
We were scheduled to upgrad everything this week anyway it just got pushed ua a few days and because of the hack we were down a couple also..