View Full Version : Forum Rules

07-08-2004, 04:11 PM
Forum Rules.
1. The public sharing or link sharing of warez and pirated software is not endorsed and strictly prohibited by these forums. This action will also get you banned if you are found as a repeat offender.

2. This forum prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ability or marital status. Ability is defined as a person's physical or mental state shall not include a person under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, mood altering drugs and other such non-prescribed drugsor substancesthat are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any known disease.

3. This forum prohibits the use of foul language.

4. Any member who disagrees with content of any post in any thread in accordance with above stated is responsible to alert any or all moderators with the link to or quote of the offending material and state their reasons in a clear manner.

5. All members are invited to participate in any discussion as long as their intent is respectful and considerate of all other participating members and the forum as a whole.

6. This forum does not endorse the practise or coercion of any member that may bring bodily or mental harm to that member or anyone that they may come into contact with. Bodily or mental harm is defined as the use or construction of ant such device or substance that may adversely affect an otherwise normal state of life.

7. This forum does not endorse activities where prohibited by law.

8. The moderators, administration and super moderators reserve the right to remove any member at their discretion and will treat all clearly described or noted reports of offense on a case by case basis which may result in warnings, temporary or permanent bans of the instigating member(s) and participants.

9. The moderators, administration and super moderators reserve the right to edit any post to remove offensive material and will attempt to preserve the intent of the original posting if it does not conflict with the above stated.

10. Any member who does not fulfill a moderator's administrator's and super moderator's request within the given time period, typically 24 hours, may be subject to warning, temporary or permanent ban. The requiste does have the right to appeal the request to all moderator's but will be subject to the consensus of the moderator staff who are available within the given time period.

11. If you are going to post an item for sale by you. Make sure it is in the For Sale area. First offense gets post moved with redirect, second offense gets moved with no redirect, third post gets post deleted and anytime after that.

These rules will be updated, when and if the Admin, moderators and Super Moderators deem needed.

09-23-2004, 02:31 PM
Good stuff