View Full Version : Chiller res idea!

03-25-2004, 04:27 PM
I was thinking of a way to cut size down and make my system mobile and I was thinking:
Take a 2 foot long or so sheet of whatever metal than mount the compressor to the right end and put a handle on either end. Than weld a metal box to the sheet the compressor is on and use it as the res. It would also be the base of the res. Than make a top that can be screwed on some how and have the tubes run out. Insulate the thing up and water seal the top and its a 100% mobile system.

Is this a good idea? Would it be hard? Who can weld it and what kind of metal would I use? The res would probley hold a gallon or so of liquid.

water_cooler 20
03-25-2004, 04:39 PM
i think u could use sheet metal and use a soldering iron with some acid core solder to put it together
u could use a torch to heat up the sheet and use acid core solder or brazing rod but it maybe hard since u could melt it if u warm it up to much
u could probably even glue it together

03-29-2004, 12:24 PM

I too have put alot of thought into aestatics and mobility of my chiller, and I did come up with something. However, I'm not gonna give away my approach just yet, as I intend to do a dedicated thread on everything upon 1st launch.

Anyway, I think the idea of a baseplate for the whole thing would work out fine, and wouldn't be too hard to do. Just make sure not to use wood as a baseplate, as some components might cause condensation to drop down on it. The sheetmetal plan sounds good though.

03-29-2004, 12:34 PM
Wouldn't it be too heavy? because of all the anti-freeze etc in the res? or would that be taken out and the res re-sealed when you put it back in?

03-29-2004, 04:40 PM
A gallon of stuff weighs less than the compressor... Will sheet metal hold the compressor and liquid weight?

03-29-2004, 05:04 PM
depends how thick the sheet metal is, but I would probably put like a frame on the bottom of it,.