View Full Version : Nodes crapping out

06-25-2014, 10:53 PM
No idea what is going on, but DNS errors have been through the roof. All nodes shut down while i find out the problem. :mad:

07-05-2014, 08:31 AM
No idea what is going on, but DNS errors have been through the roof. All nodes shut down while i find out the problem. :mad:

I had a huge hit with DNS error rates going through the roof around the same time. My DNS error rate is usually around 1-5% and rarely goes to 10% so it's the data quality most likely. I consider bad error rates up to 24 hours as either/or and only after 24 hours and comparing to other users' stats do I decide whether or not to do something about it.

07-06-2014, 11:16 AM
Just installed MJ12 again a couple days ago and noticed >10% DNS errors.

I'm also constantly hit by "NoMoreURLsAvailable," and have not been crawling full speed. I run a 20mbps line and I rarely see my client go past 7-8mbps.:shrug:

Don't know what's been going on..

07-06-2014, 11:36 AM
first up NoMoreURLsAvailable is very common now it is not unusual to see between 8 and 16 hours a day work only.

With the above there is a tendency to run nodes down towards zero so you may be seeing the poorer quality, smaller buckets and re work buckets coming through and effecting your dns averages.

I would say that anything in the 2-10% range is normal. This is the range I see running 60 small nodes. most of the time it is in the 4-5% range but even though these all run on the same rig I see some that go well outside these limits on occasion. I have even had a warning email a couple of times. I re-start nodes every 24 hours to get a better feel for error rates