View Full Version : enough rad for this?

04-14-2013, 05:30 PM
Hello XS. I need your help again....

So, the Obsidian 350D looks uber hot. Wife wants a mini-me build to my upcoming 900D build, so I need to find a way to cool the 350D.

It has space for a front 240, top 240 and a back 120.

I was wondering if the 2 X MCR220 XP and GTX HD would cool a i3550 and AMD HD 5970?

Alternately, I can cool a AMD PhenomII 965 + AMD HD 5970.


04-14-2013, 07:25 PM
A 120x2 would do it if she's not gaming hard. But a 120x1 on the back to would make for quieter fans.

LOL, you do the heatload calculations? Your barely over 200 watts..................maybe.

Been on this forum?


04-14-2013, 09:43 PM
I couldn't find the heat calculator. I know I had seen it, thanks to you, now I know where :) Thanks Conumdrum. I will be reading now.