View Full Version : Cannot drill out Lian Li counter-sunk/flush rivets

05-13-2012, 07:05 PM
Hi, I'm having a hell of a time drilling out the rivets on my new li li v600f. They're all the counter-sunk / flush type. I've drilled them out from an older li li before but they were much easier then. I used a Dremel and a Dremel drill bit. Now I'm using a power drill and a 1/8th inch or 7/64th inch bit and it simply cannot drill though the rivet. They reach a point, I think its the point where the stem is broken off and the simply spins. Even hammering out the stem doesn't help too much. I'm using standard steel drill bits because I didn't think it would need titanium or cobalt bits but these rivets are tough. Any idea's?

05-13-2012, 07:40 PM
I'm guessing here, but i would say use a slightly bigger bit, about the same size as the outer diameter of the head of the rivet, so like 5.5mm or 7/32 bit, or about there.. you want to take out the whole head, not the middle stem bit, that way it will just pop out the other side, just be careful not to take out any of the case material.

05-14-2012, 10:19 AM
flush nuts are stainless steel... from what i remember, they use the flush nuts that have a bigger surface area for alum to press into to give that hold.
take a look at my DIY self clinching nuts in here somewhere... you'll see how much of a hole you will have left over after doing it.

my recommendation, if you MUST remove it, put in a screw, place the panel/case over a piece of wood with a correct sized hole drilled into it, and tap it out with a hammer.

but mind you, they will deform your panels.

if you can live with it, seal it up with jbweld and paint over it.

05-14-2012, 01:57 PM
Hah, I had that issue with my Milwaukee bits. I pulled out my De-Walt bits with the quick tip and they were all a breeze. De-Walt bits are a case-modder's dream.

Oh, also I will be selling a pre-cleared LIAN LI PC-V600FX (everything drilled out and set aside) for $100 soon, if your interested.

05-20-2012, 11:47 PM
+1 for the DeWalt bits. I got a set of their cobalt bits, haven't met anything they can't go through on stuff I run into as both a computer and car modder.