View Full Version : would this work?

02-16-2011, 10:28 PM
i am thinking of running two loops sharing the same res (one loop i know ;)). problem is i have a proliferation of reservoirs:p:
so here is the idea, i have two pmp-400 with reservoirs attached. then i have a dual res that will allow me to have them draw off the same pool of water.
now, the pmp have four holes, one in, one out and two on the res. if i connect res to res like shown here, will it draw outta that there reservoir on the desk?
the idea is to have another pmp to the left of it, drawing off of the lower res the same way.
yes its overkill, thats the idea. so please dont tell me its too much LOL.
just basically my question is, will it work?
need to know before i cut any more tubing plz:up:

02-16-2011, 11:05 PM
Why wouldn't it work?;)...and yeah, it is overkill but...



02-17-2011, 07:40 AM
^^ agree!

02-17-2011, 07:39 PM
ok so going from the res on the pump to the res on the desk will work. the main reason i was worried is i was just going res-to-res....wasnt sure how that would work as it isnt necessarily the pump inlet..