View Full Version : Dual Loops, one MCP355 with low RPM

01-11-2010, 09:31 AM
Hi, first post here, been lurking for a long time, but can't seem to find an answer to my question.

I've got a dual loop system setup in a MM Pinnacle 24. Specs are in my sig.

I just want to make sure there's no issues with my CPU's pump. The RPM sensor runs around 3900RPM while the GPU's pump runs around 4440 all the time. I realize there's a 2foot head on this thing since the pump is at the very bottom-front of the case and the radiator intake/output are at the back-top of the case.

Does this seem right to you guys? or should I look at a different pump for my system?

Here's a crappy pic for reference: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_DUAEuJ1QPKI/Sz21XjAS-jI/AAAAAAAABgQ/imNGb5tzIy8/s800/DSC01220.JPG

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!